Fix for the rating component used in one of DVLUPs update challenges
I found a minor bug in the DVLUPS RateMyApp component. This is a fix to not upset the user by repeatedly showing the second feedback overlay when Back-button is used to return to the start page.
Reproduce the issue
Check if your version of the component contains the issue by
1: restarting your app until the SECOND rating request overlay is showed. This is by default the tenth time the app is started.
2: answer “no” to close the overlay.
3: navigate to an other page in your app.
4: press the back-button.
This will show the overlay again and the issue will continue this way until the app is restarted and the user might become a bit grumpy.
Open the FeedbackOverlay.xaml.cs file and use a _secondReviewIsHandled flag to make the second overlay just show once:
private bool _secondReviewIsHandled; private void FeedbackOverlay_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { this.AttachBackKeyPressed(); if (FeedbackOverlay.GetEnableAnimation(this)) { this.LayoutRoot.Opacity = 0; this.xProjection.RotationX = 90; } if (FeedbackHelper.Default.State == FeedbackState.FirstReview) { this.SetVisibility(true); this.SetupFirstMessage(); if (FeedbackOverlay.GetEnableAnimation(this)) this.showContent.Begin(); } else if (FeedbackHelper.Default.State == FeedbackState.SecondReview && _secondReviewIsHandled == false) { this.SetVisibility(true); this.SetupSecondMessage(); if (FeedbackOverlay.GetEnableAnimation(this)) this.showContent.Begin(); _secondReviewIsHandled = true; } else { this.SetVisibility(false); } }
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